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A market-leading digital mapping platform, trusted by the world's most complex spaces.

Discover what digital mapping can do for your business.

Smarter mapping

Direct people to where you want them to go, faster, or track your most valuable assets in real-time to keep operations running like clockwork.

Smarter decisions

With insights and recommendations that highlight opportunities to transform operations and experiences for you and your customers.

Smarter business

Take full control over the customer experience with a more intelligent, inclusive and sustainable environment that removes unnecessary operating delays and costs.

A tailored platform for transformation

Routing & Wayfinding

Direct people through complex buildings, campuses or even entire cities. Delivered in a mobile or kiosk format.


A central Analytics Dashboard for your teams, with real-time insights into user preferences, habits and previously unknown operational issues.

Your map is 100% tailored to you. Easily accessed and updated in real-time by your teams.


Watch our explainer video to learn more

Want to know more?

Latest case studies

Canary Wharf

A renowned shopping destination in London, embarked on a mission to enhance its visitors' experience through a comprehensive digital wayfinding strategy. 

The Met

Living Map had developed a digital indoor mapping and wayfinding tool for museum visitors.

Star Alliance

Star Alliance initiated a discussion with Living Map around indoor positioning and navigation, and how it could add value to member airlines and their connecting journeys.